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Advising You After Your Fall

When you are buying groceries for your family or rushing through a parking lot on your way to work, you are probably thinking about the tasks you need to complete by the day’s end. What you aren’t concerned about is whether the surfaces you’re walking on are safe from slip-and-fall hazards.

Dangerous walking conditions exist in many places, from the sidewalk with a steep decline that is unmarked to the recently polished set of stairs in an office building.

Homeowners and business operators are required by law to maintain their premises, so pedestrians remain safe when on their property. When they fail to take reasonable care in keeping their property free of hazards, their negligence can cause you to fall and suffer more than a skinned knee.

For more than 25 years, Hensley Law Office has been representing victims of slip-and-fall accidents who have been injured due to a property owner’s failure in upkeep. As a preeminent trial attorney in Greenup County, Jeff Hensley, our principal lawyer, has substantial experience in designing legal strategies that effectively promote personal injury claims in court. Drawing on his extensive litigation practice and legal knowledge, Jeff can tailor a plan to help you obtain maximum compensation for your injuries.

Receive The Settlement You Deserve

Addressing the harm caused by a slip-and-fall often requires more than a Band-aid. Victims of these injuries can suffer from concussions and broken bones, trauma that may demand costly medical care to treat over the long term. In filing a claim, you may seek compensation not only for bills associated with the initial medical aid but also financial support for other damages such as:

  • Rehabilitation
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering

In the state of Kentucky, owners of public and private property have a duty to limit dangerous conditions on their land. The area of law is known as “premises liability,” and it holds owners accountable when they do not promote a safe environment in these ways:

  • Keeping walkways free of potholes, raised carpet, loose floorboards or other tripping hazards
  • Ensuring staircases are dry and not slippery
  • Providing appropriate lighting and signage to identify hazards
  • Securing handrails by staircases
  • Maintaining uncluttered sidewalks, staircases, entrances and exits

While it may be tempting to “shake off” or ignore the pain you feel after a fall, you will discover that there are long-term financial repercussions associated with sustaining this injury. Discussing your options with Jeff Hensley will set you on a path to receiving compensation.

Hold Property Owners To Account For Their Negligence. Call Hensley Law Office Today.

For your convenience, you can reach our Russell office online by completing our brief intake form or by calling us at 606-393-6407. We offer free, initial consultations.