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Did A Commercial Vehicle Injure You? We Can Help.

Accidents involving commercial vehicles such as tractor-trailers, tow trucks and transportation vans can cause severe injuries. Because most commercial vehicles are significantly larger than the average passenger car, the damage they inflict tends can be catastrophic — physically, emotionally and financially.

Anyone who is fortunate enough to survive a crash involving a commercial vehicle could use the help of a lawyer to recover compensation. Hensley Law Office, PSC, can advocate for your rights if you survived a commercial vehicle accident, or if you lost a loved one in a commercial vehicle accident. In our many years of experience, we have helped hundreds of clients throughout Kentucky recover maximum compensation for their damages.

What Counts As A Commercial Vehicle?

Private vehicles are those owned by individual residents of Kentucky. A commercial vehicle is any car, truck, van or other vehicle owned by a business. These vehicles can include:

  • Tractor-trailers
  • Delivery trucks or vans
  • Limousines
  • Commercial buses
  • Tow trucks
  • Garbage trucks

Typically, these vehicles are used to deliver goods, provide a service or carry passengers.

Determining Liability In Commercial Accidents

In a crash involving private vehicles, there is usually only one party at fault: the negligent driver. However, accidents involving one or more commercial vehicles are very complex. The liable party could be the driver, the owner of the vehicle, the manufacturer of the vehicle or the owner of the cargo. These cases require a skilled personal injury lawyer who knows how to determine the at-fault party and recover compensation from them.

Get Help After An Accident

Hensley Law Office, PSC, is located in Russell, and we are here to help you following a commercial vehicle accident. We will fight to get compensation for your medical bills, auto damage and other damages. To schedule a consultation, call our office at 606-393-6407 or send us an email.