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Most people spend at least some of their time in the car listening to music. It helps them pass the time during a boring commute or gives them some entertainment if they’re on a road trip. Even with podcasts and audiobooks so widely available, listening to music is perhaps the most common activity in the car.

For some, this also means singing along. They may not sing every line to every song but, when a favorite song comes up next on the radio or the playlist, they get very engaged with it. Most people have done this at one time or another.

But is it actually dangerous? As common as it is, experts warn against it on the ground that it can cause a car accident.

For one thing, the music creates a mental distraction. You start thinking about the beat and the lyrics, not the traffic around you or that upcoming stop sign. It may feel like things take you by surprise on the road — a traffic backup when you get to a construction zone, for instance — but you would have had enough warning if you were paying more attention.

On top of that, fast and aggressive music predictably causes people to drive faster and more aggressively. So, when your favorite jam comes on and you start singing, you could also speed up, tailgate other drivers or make dangerous passing maneuvers. It’s not that the music is making you do it, but it’s opening you up to more reckless behavior.

Even if you turn the music down or stay focused on the road, many drivers around you will not. Be sure you know how to seek compensation if you’re injured in an accident.